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Home > Technology > Passwords > How to Reset Your Password - Not Expired
How to Reset Your Password - Not Expired
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Your password resets every 90 days. When resetting your password, please use the following parameters to create a strong password:


  • Minimum 12 characters
  • Upper and lower case
  • At least 1 number and a special character
  • Cannot use last 5 passwords when creating a new password


The steps to reset the password on your computer are as follows:


  1. Connect to VPN with your current password first.

  1. Click on the Ctrl + Alt + Delete buttons at the same time.

  1. Choose “Change a password”

  1. Input your old password, then choose a new secure password based on the criteria outlined below:


  • Minimum 12 characters

  • Upper and lower case

  • At least 1 number and a special character

  • Cannot use last 5 passwords when creating a new password

  1. You should get this screen once this is done.

  1. Sign in to VPN with your new password.

  1. After you’ve signed in to VPN, click on the Windows icon on the lower left area of the screen. Then, click on your profile and choose the “Lock” setting. This will log you out of your computer so that you can log in with your new revised password.



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